GBWhatsapp has many features that are not available on official Whatsapp. But, there is no version available for other smartphones like an iPhone. You can run GBWA on Windows and MAC operating systems with the Android emulator. But, you can use this app only for Android phones. So, There is no need to root your phone to use this app.

You can install it on both rooted and non-rooted Android phones. So, enhance your messaging experience with this mod app.

So, it provides a lot of features like Run two Whatsapp in one Android phone, you can hide last seen, hide read message ticks, etc. Generally, it is a mod app of the official WhatsApp application and the UI is the same as the original app, that’s why all users love this app. Well, GBWA is a third-party app for WhatsApp. You can ‘ Download GBWhatsapp apk’ from below link in this article. If you prefer security first, then don’t use third party apps. Note:GBWhatsapp is not the official Whatsapp app. But, with mod apk’s, you can do a lot more things. Here are Top 25 Best Whatsapp Tricks and Tips To Chat Like A Pro. But, don’t worry, there are a lot of Whatsapp tips and tricks with the official Whatsapp app. However, GBWA is available only for Android phones, and you can’t use it on the iPhone or Windows Phone. Also, you can send messages without going online. Moreover, you can hide your last seen and hide status in this application. Well, you can use the app clone to use multiple accounts. So, you can run 2 Whatsapp on the same mobile phone. Many users use GB Whatsapp and official Whatsapp applications simultaneously on their mobile phones. The link is given in this article to Download GBWhatsapp apk v9.63. Most people download GBWhatsapp to use two WhatsApp accounts on their smartphones. But, In GBWhasapp you can also run two WhatsApp on one android device. If you want to Run 2 Whatsapp accounts on your phone, then here are Safe Methods To Run 2 Whatsapp Accounts In One Phone. But this app is much more popular and better than other apps. There are also other third-party Whatsapp apps available on the internet like YoWhatsApp, OGWhatsapp and Whatsapp Plus. So, GBWhatsapp comes to solve all these problems. But, most of the users don’t satisfy with the limited features. Well, it added more features in every update. If you are a WhatsApp user, you may know that it gives limited features. Also, this mod app is completely free to use. But, it gives cool and more features than official Whatsapp. So, Update your GBWA for more cool features. GBWhatsapp (Also known as GBWA) is a third-party app for Whatsapp and it is the most popular app for Android phones. Well, you can download the latest version of GB Whatsapp 2023 new version from here. I’m sure, you are using WhatsApp on your mobile phone, That’s why you are here on this page.